Empower Positive Change with Chris Eddy

Have you ever questioned whether our nation can truly thrive with some of our current politicians? Are you tired of witnessing ethical breaches and unchecked behavior? We share your concerns. It's easy to complain about issues, but taking action is what truly counts. This is exactly why Chris Eddy decided to step up and make a difference by running for U.S Congress.

A Record of Accomplishments

Chris Eddy is a retired Brigadier General with a distinguished career in the Air Force Reserve, including serving as the Top Air Force Reserve Intelligence Officer position under a 3-star General. Eddy's leadership transformed the FBI's 5th largest intelligence program into the #1 rated among 56 nationwide. He achieved significant success in public service as a City Commissioner, earning the highest vote total in Weston, Florida history. His accolades continue with multiple selections as Air Force Intelligence Officer of the Year, and his academic pursuits include a PhD in Leadership, an MBA, and a degree in International Relations.

Eddy's dedication to the community extends to charitable work, serving on the Board of Directors of Prestige Club, which aids disadvantaged children in Broward. His involvement with Rotary Club of Weston underscores his commitment to veterans' programs.

Watch Chris Eddy Campaign Video

A Call to Action

Too often, elected representatives become entrenched in the interests of Washington, DC or their national parties, rather than prioritizing the needs of their own districts. Chris Eddy is different. His exceptional military, law enforcement, and academic career showcase his commitment to others. He's ready to expand his positive impact and provide a strong voice for Florida's 25th District.

Support Chris Eddy as he endeavors to Restore Civility, Fiscal Discipline, and Security in our District.

Your support matters in creating a brighter future for our community.

United For Common Sense

Paid for by United For Common Sense (www.unitedforcommonsense.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.